Despite the best planning in the world, sometimes life can throw a “curve ball” when least expected and it is important to have the flexibility to deal with these situations, as and when they arise.

Our clients, both in their late 30s, married with a young family, in jobs they both enjoy, with no major plans on the horizon.
During their annual financial planning review, we discussed their goals and objectives –
- to build up lump sums for retirement,
- have the flexibility to access funds when required and continue working into their 70s.
Over the years our clients have built up pension funds and both hold ISA investment portfolios.
At the time of their annual review they had no major plans.
A few weeks later, completely by chance, their “dream home” had come onto the market and their offer had been accepted.
We discussed their plans and established a strategy to raise the funds required to purchase the property.
By using a combination of
- cash savings
- a mortgage and
- funds withdrawn from their ISAs
The family were able to act quickly and within a few weeks of their offer being accepted and the funds being released they were moving into their new home.
Their ISAs provided the flexibility to access capital when needed and they will continue to contribute into their portfolios for long term growth to ensure that they are comfortably “sitting in the shade” in retirement, but for now, they are busy enjoying their new home.
Financial Planning Services